1·Overnight, a compliant media spread this alarming news far and wide.
2·If true, this is alarming news, and the only surprise is that Japan has not publicised it.
3·The alarming news came after the epidemic's toll in Mexico appeared to have been leveling off.
4·After laboring there for several years, Henson heard alarming news: the new master was planning to sell him for plantation work far away in the Deep South.
5·Or, as Henry Aubin’s provocative book, The Rescue of Jerusalem, suggests, was it actually the alarming news that the aforementioned Nubian prince was advancing on Jerusalem?
就如同亨利·奥宾在那本饱受争议的《拯救耶路撒冷》一书中所说的那样么? 还是上文所述的努比亚王子亲率大军来救耶路撒冷的惊人的消息起到了作用?
6·Attacks against e-Commerce Web sites are so alarming, they follow right after violent crimes in the news.
对于e - Commerce Web站点的攻击是很令人担忧的,它们在新闻中的比重仅次于暴力犯罪。
7·Honeybees are disappearing at an alarming rate - and that's bad news for the global food chain.
8·If you've been following the news, you've seen some pretty alarming stuff going on at this plant — terms like "explosion," "partial meltdown," "evacuation," and "radiation exposure." Scary stuff.
9·"But the situation in some countries is still alarming," she told BBC News.
10·The news on that front looks less alarming.